Daniel Everett – Marker

Marker is a body of work focused on the unintentional aesthetics of progress and the marks left behind from the systems we use to build and arrange space. Over time systems stack on top of systems and blur into one another. To organize something is to make it disappear, and order has a lingering sadness to it.

The series began with a collection of inadvertently painted stones gathered from various construction sites and subsequently organized by colour. Used as a way of indicating boundaries and providing instructions to workers, colour-coded paints are applied throughout the worksite and often spill over onto the surrounding rocks and landscape. In the wake of progress, these stones remain as emblems of the organizational systems that displaced them. This expanded to photographing a wide range of marks used in the construction process and broader evidence of alterations. I also began noticeably editing and digitally modifying select images in order to add another plainly visible layer of reorganization.