Instagram Takeover – Nico Krijno

Nico Krijno is a contemporary artist who explores photography at the blurry intersection of collage, painting, sculpture and performance. Often working with discarded found materials, he interprets and re-organises them in a non-linear manner in the pursuit of finding alternative structures for how meaning and matter are constructed and perceived.

I use what I find lying ‘around’ and convert and transform this debris through a kind of creative alchemy into a theatrical mise-en-scene. This urban ‘jetsam and flotsam’ comes with its own knowledge already, a built in aesthetic which I unearth and explore in my constructions.

Krijno was born in South Africa in 1981, and today lives and works just outside of Cape Town. He original worked in theatre and experimental video, and began working with photography and visual arts around 2008.

Nico Krijno is taking over @paperjournalmag from today until Monday 25 May. You can follow him @nicokrijno and see more of his work at